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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Token Something

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Comms post (data loot) and kitbashed modded gun funComms post (data loot) and kitbashed modded gun fun
Japanese Bolt Action LMG with a mortar combined to make it look more Sci-Fi.Japanese Bolt Action LMG with a mortar combined to make it look more Sci-Fi.
Token Something
Poor old Jim (data loot)Poor old Jim (data loot)
Grenades! (Physical Nickstarter loot)Grenades! (Physical Nickstarter loot)
Nickstarter tokens galore... Shiny thing (physical) and carelessly left out data slate (data loot)Nickstarter tokens galore... Shiny thing (physical) and carelessly left out data slate (data loot)

I realized I still needed loot tokens to fight over. I got three metal tokens in the Nickstarter I backed to get the box and rules when Stargrave launched. Grenades, container and “data slate on case” are what came first. I could have just gone 2d at that stage to add more card tokens, but I had some bits box ideas and threw myself into making those.

The Japanese gun was just an effort to clear up a sprue left over from a Bolt Action project. With the Star Wars film series basing blaster weapons on WW2 classic weapons I don’t apologize for my modification.

The Red topped corpse holding the data slate was just a fun take on how best to use leftover data arms from the Crew Box set. Poor old Jim died a fiery death but he clearly thought that data tablet was worth keeping from the blaze even at the last breath.

Poor old Jim was kitbashed from a bits box Mantic Ghoul torso and a Crew Box data tablet arm and head.

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