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And So it begins.

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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This whole idea has developed whilst painting my latest purchase , U.S. Ariadne for Infinty.  I love the figures and although I haven’t played them yet like the rules….but like a lot of games it is as much about force building and combining figure abilities as it playing.

Now this is fine if you and a friend are both building a force  and get to know your figures capabilities   but so far this has been a solo project with myself painting and building all the forces of a game. I will need to not only learn the game but also teach the others in group how to play. Now there is a beginners play guide in the starter boxes, but this sort of supposes the players have some idea about the force.

Thinking about it I remembered how I had learned Battletech back in the day  which was via a semi role playing campaign,  with the various players being members of a mech company vs an umpire led opposition.

So why not for Infinity?

I have already painted a Panoceana force   and had begun a force of Ariadne . Starting with the Crimosn Stone Starter box, then the U.S Ariadne Starter box.

One of the strange things I’ve found is that the base unit for each of the factions are some of the nicest figures in a faction be it Pan O Fusiliers or Ariadne Grunts.

With the latter you get a a very ultra modern U.S. force , reminiscent of Colonial Marines in Alien. So the idea has been developing in my is to have the players playing groups of Ariadne Grunts, Marauders etc in a sci-fi Dungeon maze vs Aliens.

In this way the players can learn how some of the various figure abilities work  learn the rules basics by playing together against a umpire led forces of Aliens , using the nice cammo figure rules from Infinity.

And So it begins.

With my newly painted Ariadne Grunts making up the player forces initially,  the Aliens will be coming from various Sources, mainly from the Aliens boardgame but also the old Wizzkids Aliens that I picked up on special at a very old games expo when it was still in the hotel up the Hadley Road in Brum. One of the later can be seen in picture above. The corridors and rooms will consist of my Dungeons and Lasers corridors plus the various sci fi sooms scratch built by Keith in our group.

One of the things te Aliens won’t have is acid blood…

1 I don’t need that necessary plot device

2. Infinity has a lot of good close combat figures , such as the big Werediggies and Bears plus ninja types and holy Knights with big Swords, acid blood would completely bugger there use so it goes. Now I may allow the Aliens a toxic spit for a short range ranged attack  but otherwise they will have to do most of their damage with their cc ability.

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