Engineers Unlocked! | Infinity Deathmatch: TAG RAID Kickstarter

November 5, 2021 by avernos

Engineers have been unlocked as part of Corvus Belli's Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid Kickstarter. Has your TAG been smashed up by your opponent? Let the Engineers fix you up and get you back into the fight.

Engineers Unlocked! Infinity Deathmatch TAG RAID Kickstarter

Check Out Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid On Kickstarter

Check Out More From Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid Here

The Engineers are there to keep your TAG running and make sure that you keep a hold of all of the resources that you've managed to collect during the game. They are a perfect backup that can also put down turrets to keep your TAG from being destroyed in the middle of gameplay.

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Are you going to be using the Engineers a lot in TAG Raid?

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