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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Changes coming to Warlord's support for exisiting games Reply To: Changes coming to Warlord's support for exisiting games


Cult of Games Member

@jamescutts I think that would be an excellent way for Warlord to do this sort of thing.
Those who are into the subjects (ACW / Napoleonics) already are likely to have armies and rules fit for that scale.
The newbies and less dedicated may find just enough depth so as not to drown while still able to enjoy the core features of the period.
And at the same time Warlord doesn’t need to stock an insane amount of product for the dedicated few …

I’ve noticed the recent newsletters had very short headers :
– Bolt Action / Black Powder / Hail Caesar / Project Z
We know that Project Z is of limited scope, so this may mean that the remaining systems will be Warlords’ focus.
There’s a chance that the Epic ACW and related products will remain as part of the Black Powder range in the same way that K’47 may remain a product within the Bolt Action line.

Unless Gates of Antares replaces the ‘Project Z’ bit I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re ending that line too (or at least make it ‘made to order’ / ‘web only’).


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