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Operation Market Garden - 80th Anniversary

Operation Market Garden - 80th Anniversary

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Sitrep Halloween Special: Special Forces vs ... God Knows What Horrors?

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11


Oriskany Jim and his better half Jennifer take a light-hearted turn in this one, using the Sitrep Skirmish system to pit a fireteam of elite Operators against the denizens of what intelligence thought was a former Soviet biological weapons lab.  Well, there’s definitely been some “off-the books” experiments afoot in this facility.  The only question now is, can the operators make it out alive?

Tune in!  Be part of the show!  See how it turns out!

Live Sunday at 2PM East US Time, 6PM UK Time

Sitrep Twitch
Sitrep YouTube 

Here's the map of the Here's the map of the "haunted bunker" in today's game, a former Soviet lab in the Ukraine where undocumented experiments have gone a little awry. Found the base map on line, made quite a few updates to suit today's purpose.
Yeah, something bad happened here ... Yeah, something bad happened here ...
Here are our operators - new figures, including (finally) a two-armed shooting pose for a more serious female soldier / operator (opposed to the drug cartel mamacitas we had in previous games).Here are our operators - new figures, including (finally) a two-armed shooting pose for a more serious female soldier / operator (opposed to the drug cartel mamacitas we had in previous games).
Here are some of the bad guys.  I'm picturing a theme not unlike Here are some of the bad guys. I'm picturing a theme not unlike "The Mist" or an Eldritch "Cthulu"-like vibe. Someone opened a doorway ... and something came through. The real "boss" baddies aare not shown here. Gotta save something for the game today!

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oriskanylaughingboy Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This was so good, I highly recommend watching it and I hope it is not long until the next installment

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