From the workbench of Zebraoutrider
Painting the tavern furniture (Phase 1)
Before I can start to paint up some barflies and customers, I really need to paint up some tavern furniture. In my pile of shame I’ve had a load of resin tavern vignettes for at least 10 years, but probably longer. So it’s time to get them painted ready for some Dunkeldorf patrons…
In effect, this is a mini project within this project so perhaps is worthy of a bit of Work In Progress reporting as it will probably take me around three weeks to complete…
Phase 1 is painting up the tavern furniture woodwork.
Phase 2 will be fine detailing the bottles, barrels and bar detritus.
Phase 3 will be painting up the Dunkeldorf seated patrons.
Batch painting by using one colour and moving through the items allows for enough drying time before moving onto the next colour. I also want a consistent set of vignettes so that they all appear to come from the same location.
Next up I need to add non-brown colours by detailing the metalwork on the barrels, and vibrancy to the curtains, cushions, food and bottles and goblets…
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