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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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Comparisons - Old vs New

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4

Just comparisons of some of the mechs I already own against the new sculpts from Clan Invasion – Annoyingly I couldn’t dig out an OG Timber Wolf as the three I own are in bits, so instead a couple of Wahnsa resins, a Mad Cat mk.II and a Mad Cat mk.III will have to make do. Overall though? I do appreciate the more consistent scaling of the new minis, and in general they retain the character of the classic designs just updated to modern standards. It’s going to be interesting to see if this is applied to any metals that Ironwind put out going forwards….

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Cult of Games Member

I don’t know if Ironwind could simply copy the design that is now made by Catalyst… unless Catalyst is ok with another company making the same product in different material and potentially quality?

Cult of Games Member

i can’t imagine that catalyst would be very happy with another miniature maker directly copying their designs no, they seem cool with the idea of people producing and selling other versions of their IP but even they would i believe complain about direct copying

Cult of Games Member

But at the same time they literally ship the boxes with flyers for these companies. Which is strange. XD

Cult of Games Member

As the everything to do with BT the licensing is all over the place. God knows who owns what rights to make what. Not sure what Iron wind own in that regards in the same way not sure If Ral Partha own some of those rights to the miniatures as well or just permission to cast and distribute in Europe

Cult of Games Member

I really prefer the modern take on Mech design by MWO and then MechWarrior5, some of the originals look so goofy in comparison.

Cult of Games Member

edited as replied to wrong comment

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