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Battle of Messines Village

Battle of Messines Village

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Panzer Vor!

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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So, after completing some German weapons, I wanted to do somthing more…relaxing…before beginning on the slog to do the Kiwis

Panzer Vor!

The final result was pretty good, imo, even if the camo splotches are a little bright. Nixie and Sigfried from ATD 2 (since I’ll be using them for the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux eventually), as well as the first Beutepanzer that the Germans will be getting.

But then to complicate things, I got a delivery this morning – of the infanterie platoons I’d gotten off someone from Facebook.


I’ve already undercoated and inked the first Kiwis, so maybe I’ll get those done before going back to finish off the Hun…

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Cult of Games Member

Wow you’ve army is fabulous looking. @draco84oz

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