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Battle of 73 Easting

Battle of 73 Easting

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American Revolution in 20mm

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 13
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The American Revolution continues to rage anew in my dining room. 🙂

The scale is 20mm.
Battlesystem 2nd Edition.
1 figure = 20 men (except for commanders and artillery pieces).
1 Inch = 20 yards.
About 120 figures on the table in all = 2400 men

This is no battle in particular, just a wrap up of the demo game originally staged for Stirep Podcast‘s demo game staged for July 4 (Independence Day) content.

Here we see the British right wing, which the Patriots are trying to turn with concentrated rifle (sharpshooters) fire.  The range is getting close, perhaps close enough for the British to turn with a bayonet charge.Here we see the British right wing, which the Patriots are trying to turn with concentrated rifle (sharpshooters) fire. The range is getting close, perhaps close enough for the British to turn with a bayonet charge.
The British left, where Light Infantry companies of three regiments (about 120 men effective strength) are pushing across the creek, while line companies push over the bridge and try to provide fire support from the friendly bank.The British left, where Light Infantry companies of three regiments (about 120 men effective strength) are pushing across the creek, while line companies push over the bridge and try to provide fire support from the friendly bank.
The Patriot left, which is trying to shoot up the Crown right.The Patriot left, which is trying to shoot up the Crown right.
The American brigade command group.  There will be more to come.  Stay tuned for photos and also a full video battle report in the coming days.The American brigade command group. There will be more to come. Stay tuned for photos and also a full video battle report in the coming days.

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