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Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

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A Bit of Detailing on the Wreckage

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’ve block coloured a bit of detail and protected the paint work on the wreckage pieces. The detailing wasn’t substantial and just added a little colour to break up the grey. The colours were fairly muted.

The protection let me reassemble it to take a look. Some panels don’t match well so I’ll need to even them out a bit with the airbrush. Slightly annoying ‘cos it doesn’t fit easily in my extractor’s environs.

I’d planned a layer of colours to show through under a light black where reflections hit the exhaust. Unfortunately they ran when I added protection. I’ ve near covered it with black since.

@avernos and @sundancer kindly looked at this project in their weekly stream. @sundancer didn’t like the layer lines. On the top of the structure there is very obvious stepping on the shallow incline. I think it would have looked better if I printed it on it’s side with a brim. However I don’t mind stepping on slopes as if they’re too smooth I find models topple easily. Particularly Infinity / metal models. All that said I find I can look past it on terrain

I’d hoped to use this for a couple of different tables: forest and desert. But I’m warming to the idea of weathering it for the forest. There’s an earthy slope on one collapsed side that needs covering. I’ll have to pick some kind of basing for it. I also like the idea of attaching some kind of vines to act as ladders on the piece with two levels. I’ve seen a similar idea used at a tournament. I’m thinking of using some leaf scatter on the roof.

The underpainting ran when I added protection. The underpainting ran when I added protection.

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