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Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

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Terrain: Starship Wreckage

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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When I start a new game I like to get a table ready for it as well. It’s never just painting one or two armies. I also chuck it in with the project blog. Not sure if that was BoW’s intention but it’s what I do.

I have some woodland terrain for a fantasy and thought it could be good for Legion, and Infinity, if I just add some sci fi bits. I could then do a desert table as well 🙂

I backed the KS by Saucerman Studios for their Starship Wreckage campaign:

There’re some pieces for assembling wrecks in different configurations along with some general scatter. I’ve gone for a big piece of fuselage.

I also backed a kickstarter for some tree trunks. I could scale them for some Endor sized trunks.

I’ll include images of my prints.

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