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Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ? Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?


Cult of Games Member

The fanbase is a very good point, I know I as an existing wargamer only really noticed X-Wing and Armada because they were star wars, that they are both for me pretty fun games was a bonus.

I will admit my first reaction on skim-reading the announcement was “they’re killing it off” but then I realized a really dislike that term and calling a game “Dead”, it seems to have become overused over the last several years. It also I think drives and/or is driven by this, I need a new shiny thing and must have the latest ruleset mentality that’s largely driven by commercial interests and a few certain companies that must not be named 😉

I can’t really think of any games id consider “dead” of the top of my head in the sense they are no longer playable as originally intended except maybe a few PC MMO’s that no longer have the servers. I did consider Warhammer, I think that’s the closest, to being a “dead” game in that you literally cant buy the rules or miniatures specifically for it, but then again the community has kept rules going and there’s a huge range of 3rd part manufactures making minis. Nobody has ever called Monolopy “dead” or Risk or Axis and Allies, all of which are fundamentally the same game now they where decades ago, minus reprints.


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