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Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

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Managed to get the second squad finished.

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12

Managed to get the second squad finished today with pretty much the same process as the first squad. Some small differences like the knee pad colour and the grenades on the back so each squad be identified from the front and back when playing.

That’s the last of the troops for my first 500 points. Next on the table is a 10 man Engineer Squad, which should be interesting.

Managed to get the second squad finished.
Managed to get the second squad finished.
Managed to get the second squad finished.
Managed to get the second squad finished.

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Cult of Games Member

nice choice of palette very dynamic and eye catching, great work

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