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Starwars Legion

Starwars Legion

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The battle of barricade town

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So it begins . The imperials have caught up with the rebel scum on the outskirts of barricade town.  So it begins . The imperials have caught up with the rebel scum on the outskirts of barricade town.

Luke, on seeing his father charged straight at him firing from the hip, with little effect. The stormtroopers advanced, thinning out the rebels on the right. The rebels answered back killing many stormtroopers wiping out the left flank. Luke  and Darth met in the middle slogging it out, lightsabres fizzing as they smashed at each other. The speeder bikes flashed across the field blasting at the AT-RT as  they went. Only to be shot out of the sky by the rebel ground troops. Luke was knocked down by the power of the dark side and was almost silenced for ever but for the AT-RT pilot seeing the danger and blasting Vader in the back. Forcing him to retreat with the rest of the imperials. A costly win for the rebels but the imperium will be back and in greater numbers.

First run through of the rules. Must have missed some bits but it was fun to play. Millie very happy at winning; wiping me off the board. She got the hang of the movement quickly using the special widgets. Also the dice worked nicely with the colour and shape changes easy to explain. Time to reread the rules and get ready for the next game.

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