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Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ? Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?



‘We are excited to continue support for Star Wars Armada’ seems to me like that’s the opposite of ‘the game is dead’, mate. That sounds much more like ‘we got the license, it’s the middle of a pandemic, Brexit has caused chaos, and the world is a little on fire, so we haven’t planned anything new, but we’ll keep reprinting the old stuff so you guys can get it and we’ll make sure tournaments are supported’. That’s a company trying to maintain interest during a product drought, not someone throwing a game to the aether.

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