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Necrothrall does Marvel Crisis Protocol

Necrothrall does Marvel Crisis Protocol

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Baron Zemo part 2

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Baron Zemo part 2

This time I won’t accidentally hit the post button prematurely.

I blocked in the jacket and cuffs. Then I washed and highlighted them.

I painted the sword blade with chainmail from vallejo. I gave it a wash of nuln oil, then did and edge highlight with chainmail again.

Nice Gerry inspired blurry shotNice Gerry inspired blurry shot

I blocked in the furry parts of his jacket and cuffs with a light grey, washed them with a very light coat of agrax.  Then I carefully highlighted the fur with the same light grey.

For the trousers I opted for stormvermin fur, and for the boots I went for German Grey from vallejo.   I’ll go on to give these two coats of nuln oil.

I also painted the metallic bits on his head and the sword guard and pommel with a brass. These got a light wash of agrax.

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