Deep-Cut Studio’s Latest Mat Follows You into the Asteroid Field
October 21, 2014 by dracs
If Star Wars has taught us anything it is that flying into an asteroid belt is always a good idea. Now Deep-Cut Studio's latest playing mat has provided you with the perfect place to hide from the Imperial fleet.
As with their other mats, Deep-Cut have come up with a highly detailed design. This space mat is particularly vibrant, with eye-catching light and shadows.
Again this mat is available in different dimensions, depending on what size space battles you wish to play.
While I think that this mat has a really nice image, I have to say that I for one wouldn't use this one for space battle games. This is due to the perspective, as if the image is what you would be seeing in front of you. This makes it feel a little weird when you have ships flying across it.
Does the perspective throw you off? What do you think of this mat?
In space in a galaxy far far away?
I don’t mind the perspective really, it is in space after all so that could be perfectly feasible. My only real gripe with it is the size of the asteroids, since BFG and Farmada ships might look too small compared to them but then asteroids can be huge so idk. Might be overthinking it though 😀