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Bot War Painting Challenge 2021 - Atlanticans Rising

Bot War Painting Challenge 2021 - Atlanticans Rising

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Day 18 part B...

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Yesterday's bases, set overnight, with a varnish coat over the topYesterday's bases, set overnight, with a varnish coat over the top

Part 2 of the Part B updates, focusing on basing.  Bases are very important, they frame a model, help convert a narrative, a setting, a sense of coherency.

Leaving the AK-Interactive Rough Terrain to set overnight gives a really rock solid layer to then work with. As the paste dries it compacts so any loose sand or grit over the top get trapped, and it hugs onto any rocks that were poked into it as well. Whilst I know this is enough to start painting over, as I was using real slate and rocks I wanted to give everything an even playing field, so I used some Army Painter Anti-shine matt varnish (rattle can) as I love the effect it has, and when I’m sealing bases I don’t care if it accidently frosts over due to humidity or other environmental factors.

You can see in the following images the compactness of the set rough terrain paste.

With the bases solidly set, I gave them a coat of citadel chaos back rattle can to get into all of the crevices, this is still one of the best primers going and there is nothing wrong with it other than the price.


Day 18 part B...

As with my previous Bot War bases which are brown rock themed I created an airbrushable mixture of citadel Xv88 and scale75 Gibi Brown, thinned in a dropper bottle with water+ and vallejo flow improver.

Day 18 part B...

After a good shake in the dropper bottle I used this through my airbrush to give the bases a couple of coats from all directions to ensure everything had paint on and then left it to dry.

That’s it for today, another productive day over.

Basecoats down Basecoats down

Still to complete:

  • Drybrush the bases
  • Rim the bases
  • Add tufts
  • Paint the slate rocks

2 days to go.

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