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And a little Naval Interlude.

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11

On a whim I looked on Sarrisma site for ACW Terrain and saw they did 15mm Ironclad and…….


And a little Naval Interlude.
And a little Naval Interlude.
And a little Naval Interlude.

With the build and painting probably took little more than an hour. Whilst the base and framework painting dried, I sprayed the armour parts Leadbelcher.

All I did post build was coat all those same parts Agrax Earthhade.

To minds whether to darken the upper deck works and Bridge roof (letters on a post card).

Also need to put a hole at rear for Union/Confederate Flag.

For those who have no idea on the Naval Actions of the American Civil War, the model is a pretty Generic Ironclad, a general design used by both sides during the war.

For instance for the Union it is similar to the River Monitors such as the  ones used to force the forts along the Upper Mississippi.

The Confederates used similar designs for such ships as the C.S.S. Richmond  and C.S.S. Arkansas.

I actually have a large collection of ACW shops in 1/600th painted many years ago which I will show in a later update.

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bobcockayneoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Damn, @bobcockayne – how has this project gotten past me all this time? Sorry I have not liked or commented until now, I have redressed this woeful shortcoming on my part. Epic progress and great historical background on your units. and I love this ironclad! Ready for the great river battles, it looks like! 😀 😀 😀

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