Moonlight Miniatures Hit The High Seas With New Pirates
October 20, 2014 by brennon
Moonlight Miniatures have clearly stolen some Aztec gold from somewhere as they have a selection of additional undead (and one living) pirates for your games of freaky fighting on the high seas...
In order of appearance we have Hector Vane, Cutlass Jim and Bloody Jus. They're not the best looking miniatures out there but it's certainly not so bad if you want to bolster some crew of the undead. I quite like the old school Cutlass Jim the best but, as I said, not the greatest sculpts for your tabletop gaming. However, everyone likes different things so maybe these are right up your alley!
Would you hire these pirates?
Got to agree with Brennon, not the best sculpts but I don’t think I’ve seen skeletal pirates before and they seem to have a large range on their website.
I’m quite fond of the top one, and I think it would look better with a proper paint job. The second one… meh. The bottom one is atrocious.
Hmm, Paintjobs let these down I think, The human looks the best ’cause it’s a really tricky thing to pull of a good sculpt of Undead.. (skelly’s and Zombie’s) depending on the finished medium, the reason a plastic figure looks better is that the sculptor does not have to fight with moulding issue’s in metal. i.e. shrinkage and nasty little joints that easily snap if you attempt to make them too small.. so, not bad effort. I Like ’em
Top one is decent but other two look awful.
The paint jobs on these are terrible – I’d like to see some unpainted pics before making a judgement, i think. But they’re up against some stiff piratey competition – the new Rum N Bones range looks fantastic, if a bit exaggerated in styling.