Pick Up Classic Blood Bowl Teams From Games Workshop

June 21, 2021 by brennon

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Games Workshop is still riding high on the pre-orders for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and Dominion but they have also announced some Made To Order items. You are going to be able to pick up two classic Blood Bowl teams this weekend.

Classic High Elf Team - Blood Bowl

Classic High Elf Team // Blood Bowl

Shop Blood Bowl @ Store.OnTableTop

The first of the teams is the classic High Elf Team that you see here. I know that we talk about classic miniatures being way better but I am liking the additional dynamism that we get in the new plastics. More armoured than their Wood Elf kin, these Elves can take a few more hits and bring a pretty damn good passing game to the tabletop.

If you're looking to explore a graveyard or two then you can also call on this classic Vampire Counts Team too.

Classic Vampire Counts Team - Blood Bowl

Classic Vampire Counts Team // Blood Bowl

The Vampires do a lot of the up-close and personal work, occasionally dominating their opponents. The Thralls then make sure that no one gets past them and anywhere near the end zone! They are pretty expendable so make sure you toss them under the boots of a troll or two.

Both of these teams will be available in metal as part of their Made To Order scheme. So, if you're hankering for some classic miniatures then this might be a good weekend for you. These certainly show their age but they are from a golden era of Blood Bowl goodness.

Are you going to be snapping these up?

"Both of these teams will be available in metal as part of their Made To Order scheme..."

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