Wyrd, I am not painting Infinity
First Box done
This has been fun! Just what I needed nothing to stressful or overwhelming before a much larger project. I will use this as a reward project in-between stages of my Defiance project to keep it going.
I finished the last models, again trying to focus on texture as this is something I want to get better at instead of smooth blends everywhere.
So I sadly will be putting this on hold for a bit while I go back to Infinity for a while. I will get this out as I hit key stages on my other projects.
I am learning a lot about texture on this as it’s a great contrast and change from painting most infinity models. I think they key is texture on top of texture going in finer each time. You can get a good effect with much less effort and stress.
I actually wish this was the way people learned to paint rather than base wash highlight. thinning your paints gets a good effect rather than worrying about opacity and contrast comes in time, along with the mixing of colours and use of the pallet. I am trying to get a couple of friends painting more so this is one of the things we will do.
I know these are not “the best” painted models I can do but it was nice to allow myself to push things without the self pressure of box art (models). I always find the trap of looking to much into this, the lore and forcing myself to comply with what others (and now myself) expect when looking at the models.
Oddly this brought me closer to these. making decisions and thinking through what these people would be like. I would encourage, if you are like me to break your mould now and again and just try and have fun.
This is a great start of a new game and outlook.
More to come! (just not for a while)
Wow they are fabulous detailed looking figures @soapdodger congratulations on your project gold button.
cheers! didn’t realise I got one until your post was delivered.
(Surprise) for you then. still they are brilliant.