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RavenWing Command Based

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
Bases after doing the sand in thw gaps, and then trying to prime while it hadn't dried. Last weekends failure.Bases after doing the sand in thw gaps, and then trying to prime while it hadn't dried. Last weekends failure.
I primed again, and then used three greys; Dark on the rocky area, medium on the ruin sections, and then a dusting of light over everything.I primed again, and then used three greys; Dark on the rocky area, medium on the ruin sections, and then a dusting of light over everything.
Dry-brush, and bronze details.Dry-brush, and bronze details.
RavenWing Command Squadron complete, they're in the cabinet now.RavenWing Command Squadron complete, they're in the cabinet now.

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Please continue. The Hobby Hangout comity has said so.

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