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Operation Meerkat Allotment

Operation Meerkat Allotment

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First squad - painting

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 6
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The details are painted with the Vallejo German Camouflage WWII set.The details are painted with the Vallejo German Camouflage WWII set.
In addition, Vallejo Black with a little Vallejo Neutral Grey and Vallejo Mahogany are used.In addition, Vallejo Black with a little Vallejo Neutral Grey and Vallejo Mahogany are used.
The figures were given a Citadel Agrax Earthshade wash.  Flesh is Vallejo Flesh Base, with a wash of 3:1 Citadel Flesh Wash to Citadel Red Wash.The figures were given a Citadel Agrax Earthshade wash. Flesh is Vallejo Flesh Base, with a wash of 3:1 Citadel Flesh Wash to Citadel Red Wash.
The flesh wash components.The flesh wash components.

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