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Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

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Succubus complete, just winging it

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Succubus complete, just winging it

My devout (for cabal number 2) is all done. Cabal number 1 with mostly previously painted minis was fun for delving into some lore ideas, but cabal number 2 is probably going to be more fun hobby wise.

I got some 4Ground Black Rocks added to make the hell scape base more interesting.

The NorthStar metal wings give the mini a bit more heft and look great. Same zenith of Halfords red over the black primer looks fine and with a Flesh-tearer Contrast Paint over the top to blend it all together. I like the finished look. Bit of Mephiston Red highlighting and a tidy up on the armour above the wings and she’s good to go… Probably to go do bad. ?

Same basing top up for my Leader and they make quite the fearsome team.


Succubus complete, just winging it

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