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Civs 10mm napoleonic foray

Civs 10mm napoleonic foray

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The finished army

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
The finished army

Finished the cavalry which was the last of the models to get done.

Cheated somewhat and made all the horses black as that was my undercoat colour so saved time.

All now based on 4cm x 2cm bases and the sand mix applied. I then added the light green and darker green flock which i think work well in breaking up the bases and adding some colour.

Im going to call this army done as it was a just for fun project based off a spurious purchase off gumroad. I have had a blast painting these and am pleased at how easy they have been to paint.

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civilcourageMichael Stock Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

A lovely project, really inspiring. And I wouldn’t worry too much about red collars and cuffs on the riflemen. Just say they are the 60th (Royal American) Rifles, who were the other rifle regiment to serve in the Peninsula, and you’ll be fine. Similarly, black horses for heavy cavalry is spot on!

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