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Cavalry !!!

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Having ben brought up as a Nipper on John Ford and John Wayne Cavalry films, it was only awaiting the release of Warlords Cavalry Brigades that has stopped me already having some.

Anyway in an attempt to have two sort of all round starter armies I broke away briefly from the mountains of Infantry to do some Cavalry.

Must admit the one peice figures are nice, being single horseman, you can separate the figures to have on Reg in Kepi, one on Slouch hats and one mixed   I Imagine if you buy 2 you can separate them and say have all Kepi for Union and all hats for Confederate or visa verses.

Initially for my 1st Confederate Regiment I went mixed , though the 1st Union will be all Kepi.

The Horsemen were just a variation of the scheme used for the infantry.

The horses were done various GW contrast Brown’s with a few left in the base grey and a few in Black Templar, Mains and Tails were Generally done in a darker shade than main horse.


Cavalry !!!

So here we have the 1st Regiment of Cavalry ready to make J.E.B. Stuart proud I hope.

Cavalry !!!
Cavalry !!!
Cavalry !!!

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Cult of Games Member

nice job Bob! great to follow and watch the progress you’re making

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