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Infamy Infamy off we go

Infamy Infamy off we go

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So when do you consider a project completed? (Part 2)

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So it was at this stage that old Pelgwasgu unleashes her warband and with the movement one group that has been supporting has a clear path to the Auxiliaries. This time it does not go well for the Romans and after a couple of rounds of combat they break due to the amount of shock on the unit. The Romans force morale is now reached zero and they will march off the board.

Now I hear you ask while all this was going on what were the main men doing well due to the vagaries of the card driven activation used in the rules not a lot, Septicus and Gettafix spent the majority of the game facing each other and trading insults only. Gettafix was only activated twice and neither side had any signa cards left at the end of the turns to do anything. The Romans had managed to get their cavalry behind the chariots but again never got chance to charge or to be honest want to as they were badly beat up after seeing off the British light cavalry and reduced to half strength.

So for a first run out of the figures and rules it did provide an entertaining game with initially the toughness of the Romans wearing down the Britons but when it went wrong for the Romans it was spectacular. I need to give the rules a few more goes to see how they play but first impressions are favourable. But then again there is always Clash of Spears to try ?‍♂️

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