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Infamy Infamy off we go

Infamy Infamy off we go

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Nearly there

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Well slowly pushing on with the Infamy project over the last couple of months and it was now down to the various Auxiliary support for the infantry, deployment markers and finally objectives etc needed for the game.

But first we will start with two figures I painted for completeness even though you will struggle to see them in the game!!!

The high ranking government official and companion.

Not sure why I painted these but I did Not sure why I painted these but I did

Next up we have the Auxiliary Archers (Western flavour)

Archers Archers
Nearly there

Now in reality I only needed 6 Roman Engineers but somehow ended with 11 (a mix of Foundry and Warlord) but with the addition of a pack mule 2 units of 6 appeared so have pickaxe will travel as they say.

And whats a Roman army without artillery so a couple of Scorpions were completed.

I had a couple of additional officers (Warlord) given to me as part of a present so added, one being used to command the Auxiliaries.

Nearly there

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