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Union Steps

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 9
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This is actually the 5th Union Regiment   as I forgot to take photos as went along on previous 3!

So after the base Grey Seer spray   I give them an over coat of Tallasar Blue that I used on some of the Confed troops.

Union Steps

Then I mix  GW contrast Levidian Blue and Basilicum Grey about 4/3, then thin it out with water for the darker upper jackets.

Union Steps

From here a lot of the steps are pretty much the missing steps used for the Confederate Regiments. I next do the bedrolls,  which historically could be as varied as Confederate Uniforms  but have decided to stick to one main colour for each Regiment   in this case GW steel Legion Drab, but I have used Blue, Brown, Various shades of Grey on others.

Union Steps

Then I did the rifled muskets, in this case GW contrast Snakebite leather, but I have used Wychwood, and Gore Gunta Brown, partly to represent the different manufacturers of the wpns be they Springfield,’s Enfield or the Austrian model , but mainly it is decided by the brown closest to hand.

Union Steps

Next is a stage that is Union only, I go over the faces  and hands in Corex white,  I had tried carefully painting around them at the jacket stage above, but found it more of a pain than re painting them.

Union Steps

Then its the bit that is the most tedious, boots, kepi peaks and belts  all done in Mp paints dark umbra, I use this rather than black as it allows for a bit of shading on the wash stage..

Some have put white or canvas for the forage nags , tried this on one Union Regiment  but found it a pain to do and it didn’t really add much to the finished figures  so didn’t bother on later Regiments.

Union Steps

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