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Reply To: Is the AWI best served with our current crop of rules?

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions Is the AWI best served with our current crop of rules? Reply To: Is the AWI best served with our current crop of rules?


Cult of Games Member

There’s “something” about this conflict that all the rulesets we use just don’t reflect (and I’m finding it hard to narrow down what it could be, that allowed the US troops to win the day).

Morale? Fatigue? Hunger? I guess there are many human factors that are hard to replicate because a) they weren’t documented well at the time when the battle happened or b) were documented false on purpose (for propaganda reasons for example).

But there is also possibility c) (and please don’t take this personal, but it happened to me more then once too) May you play the rules wrong? maybe you forget something or get the order in which things should happen wrong?

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