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Free Scaling Tools for 3D Printing

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Free Scaling Tools for 3D Printing

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  spankytaz 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1644621

    Cult of Games Member

    I’m not sure if this has been posted before (if so, I apologise) but I came across this today and thought it was too good not to share further.

    Digital Taxidermy made this super handy web resource to help scale/rescale 3D models. It offers a variety of methods depending on what you are trying to achieve and some advice on how to make use of it. Best of all, it’s 100% FREE!

    I’ve backed a few of DT’s Kickstarters in the past and they not only make great models, but they also have a YouTube channel that shows you how they created them.

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