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Epic spring clean

Epic spring clean

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Wash and battle wagons

Tutoring 13
Skill 16
Idea 14
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Light tone army painter on all but not on banners.Light tone army painter on all but not on banners.
Bloody red on hatches, necromancer cloak on wheels, Bone white on the skull and pale burnt metal on metal bits.Bloody red on hatches, necromancer cloak on wheels, Bone white on the skull and pale burnt metal on metal bits.
light tone washlight tone wash
bloody red on trim, necromancer cloak on wheels, Terracota on the roofs and pale burnt metal on metal bits.bloody red on trim, necromancer cloak on wheels, Terracota on the roofs and pale burnt metal on metal bits.
Tractor beams bloody red on pipes and tanks, necromancer cloak on wheels and pale burnt metal on barrels and wheel hubs.Tractor beams bloody red on pipes and tanks, necromancer cloak on wheels and pale burnt metal on barrels and wheel hubs.

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