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On to Richmond/Washington select your favourite option

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Confederate steps

Tutoring 11
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Right now I have two  Regiments done as a base how to;

I’ll now do a stage by stage shots , more as a guide fo myself in the future as anything .


Grey Seer base

Then a overall coat of GW contrast Gryph charger Grey

On doing a little bit of research after an Osprey shopping spree, and finding the Stonewall Jackson picture for the project blogs header, I had got the idea that the Rebs trousers were all blue wrong , some did wear them but they tended to be captured Union gear.

Just a few booksJust a few books

With this in mind I just picked out afew on each strip and gave them a thinned out coat of GW Contrast  Tallasar Blue.

Then I decided to pick out some with GW Contrast Skeleton Horde, for those who’s uniforms had the butternut effect  some the trousers, some the jackets

Noticing that the grey base could vary a bit I then did the same with trousers and jackets on some of the figures in  GW Contrast Basilicum Grey

I then started block painting belts in an MP paints Dark Umbra( it allows a bit of shading in the wash stage) .

Rifles are done in  GW contrast Gore Gunter Brown  though for the original  Regiment I used GW contrast Wyldwood, to some extent to reflect the varied sources of supply that the Confederates had in wpn supply. Its funny that the figure strips don’t look right till this stage is done.

The block painting stage is also the bit were I forgot to do Lloydy style photos of each stage  .

On the original Regiment I phaffed with basing  I thought a static grass base would be a bit overwhelming,  I tried putting on texture paint,  but made the mistake of  sticking king the strips to the base  and it was awkward trying to get the brush between the strips  . On the Union I stuck on one strip and then tried adding the textured paint  still a pain  and the end result looked patchy despite all the effort, so I tried adding static Grass  more out of desperation than anything and found it didn’t overpower the figures and actually looked quite good as can be seen in my initial photos.On one strip I tried to see if I could just put the Flock straight on the bases  but found the thinned our pa glue wouldn’t adhere and pooled, so just gave the bases a green overall paint, apart from thin strips left bear for the plastic glue to adhere too when sticking the figure strips on

Confederate steps

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