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Reply To: OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread

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Cult of Games Member

I’ve noticed that with sites attached to a forum that it becomes a bit too easy to ignore either.
Heck in the early years of my on-line life I spent years on a forum without ever touching the site it was attached to.

As such I think that a distinct URL for the forum may split the community between what I consider the 3 core features of OTT ( news / projects / discussions ) . Ideally the forum would look like it was part of the OTT site with no visible borders.

I definitely agree that the tech definitely needs to be done by a system that is designed to be a forum from the very start, but I doubt that the requirements of the OTT community/membership would be solved by a forum package that exists.

I think we don’t need more specific sub-forums, because you inevitably get to the point where a discussion on the pros and cons of Epic Legion can exist in the ‘Star wars’, ‘Science Fiction’ , ‘Wargaming – epic scale’ sections …

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