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Reply To: OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread

Home Forums COG – Green Room OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread Reply To: OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread


Cult of Games Member

I’m not sure if it’s purely a technology thing – the main thing a forum needs is enough people who want to use one.

Personally I’m using forums very little these days as I’m becoming less and less willing to commit my thoughts and opinions to permanent record. It’s far too hard to keep up with who gets offended by what these days so it’s easier to stay away from permanently recorded online discussions. I’m happy to comment on people’s projects and share hobby knowledge etc but “hanging out” in forums and having debates is not for me!

(I appreciate the irony of me typing this so a pre-emptive apology to anyone I have offended in the course of this post, either today or in several years time when a generation with different standards reads it!!)

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