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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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Count Dooku

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Why would you start a Separatist army?  Why, to paint a tiny Christopher Lee of course!

I enjoyed this one and tried to push myself a little harder on the face, eyes and lightsaber. I usually wuss out on eyes entirely!

As this is an army game I’m trying not to be too precious on the squads but make sure the focal points look good.  This may be my best crack at OSL yet!

Getting some base colour down, shading the Cape first as it will be messy to do later!Getting some base colour down, shading the Cape first as it will be messy to do later!
Skin tone next.  What an intimidating face he has!Skin tone next. What an intimidating face he has!
Beard & saber.  Object source lighting is hard, yet the actual blade was harder!Beard & saber. Object source lighting is hard, yet the actual blade was harder!
Count Dooku
Count Dooku
Count Dooku
Count Dooku

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