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civs foray into 15mm Infamy (3d printed)

civs foray into 15mm Infamy (3d printed)

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Basin my force

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Aside from the flocking I mentioned In my earlier post the actual basing of the models was designed on tinkercad.

Each model is on a 1cm round base and i designed trays for 5 models. Infamy has units of 10 so this way I can track casualties with a dice until I lose 5 then i can take off a tray.

The 3d models did not come with bases so I basing them individually before putting on a tray of 5 made them easier to paint and pose on the movement trays. They’ve been glued in place so I dont have to transport 15mm minis individually.

Basin my force

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