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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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Commander, execute order Tiny Pieces

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Step one, assemble stuff for priming.  Pretty obvious, right?

As I have two core sets, I have two Grievouses. Grevei?  So I get to build two of the three options.  One is the four-saber whirling death machine, the other gets a pistol and cloak.  There is a lot of textured detail inside the cloak so I will paint it before assembling.

Then there was the task of building four squads of B1 Battle Droids with their tiny little TWO PART separate heads. I only dropped four of them under the dining table so that went *fine*.

Aside from the stupid heads I didn’t find them too horrific.  I am planning on clear basing the army so everything is being primed as is.

Two squads of nine droids here.  Note the tiny two-piece heads.Two squads of nine droids here. Note the tiny two-piece heads.
*Much coughing* cloak and head to go on once I've painted the inner details.*Much coughing* cloak and head to go on once I've painted the inner details.
May the Force bring good priming weather!May the Force bring good priming weather!

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