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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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Project Blog by ugleb Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 441

About the Project

A Star Wars Legion project of building/painting where I begin my Clone Wars era armies!

This Project is Active

Phase 1, squad 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

After a few experiments trying to ways to get a blue tint on my clones, I have ended up with pretty white-looking clones!  Oh well, at least I like them. 😉

You probably can’t tell but these are layered up from shadow grey going ever lighter to white highlights. Then I tried going more blue, but it looked weird. So more white…oh, no, it’s just white.  More blue? No, it needs a bit more white…. Oh right, yeah, I have achieved white armour.

Ok, we are going white armour then!

The base coat....The base coat....
And where we ended up.And where we ended up.
Phase 1, squad 1
Colours used - why yes, all of those blues are in there!Colours used - why yes, all of those blues are in there!

Assaj Ventress

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

First things first, get my Separatists back up to fully painted!  And I was excited to get Ventress painted.

I decided to go slightly off-book with the colours and used a reddish-purple to change things up.

Assaj Ventress
Assaj Ventress
Assaj Ventress
Assaj Ventress

Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2023

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I have been amassing a Clone army for the last 18 months or so, and as I am playing alot of Legion lately it is time to get my second army ready!

There are 56 minis here to get sorted so my spring clean challenge will be to bring it to the table!

I have one painted squad of Phase 1 Clones that I did over a year ago and may end up revisiting a bit as I have thoughts on changing up the colour scheme a bit.

First up however will be to paint Asajj Ventress who is the only unpainted model I have for the Separatists to bring that half of my collection back to fully painted

The 'to do' pileThe 'to do' pile
The test scheme squad that I may or may not rework.  Or just leave as a more standard scheme, who knows!The test scheme squad that I may or may not rework. Or just leave as a more standard scheme, who knows!

Range & movement templates

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

My second set of range & movement templates painted in the colours of my to be painted clone army.

Range & movement templates

Hostage Exchange

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Finishing up the Vital Assets pack, the Hostages are done.  These were both really fun to paint, for some reason I was very excited to paint the Nemoidian, despite being the simpler mini.  Dunno why, just was.

Hostage Exchange
Hostage Exchange
Republic Senator coloursRepublic Senator colours
Legitimate Trade  Federation negotiator coloursLegitimate Trade Federation negotiator colours
The complete Vital Assets pack The complete Vital Assets pack

Bomb Carts

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

The bomb carts and ‘Thermal Annihilators’ from the Vital Assets pack are done!  Weird things but fun to paint.

Bomb Carts
Cart coloursCart colours
Bomb coloursBomb colours

Objective markers

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I have made a start on the Vital Assets objective set, and first thing was these cargo crate objective markers.

As they are the things that players need to focus on, I decided to go bright and punchy then weather them a bit with sponging on dark brown chipping.

Objective markers
Objective markers


Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

After something of a break, I am swinging back onto Legion and finally got these barricades painted up.  They were refreshingly fast to do and weathered up nicely I think.


BX Commando Droids

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Bringing my Separatists back to fully painted, a second Commando squad is ready to roll just in time for a tournament tomorrow!

BX Commando Droids
BX Commando Droids

STAP Riders

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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STAP Riders
STAP Riders

Super Tactical Droid

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Super Tactical Droid
Super Tactical Droid

B1 Upgrade set

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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B1 Upgrade set
B1 Upgrade set

Separatist Specialists

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Separatist Specialists
Separatist Specialists

May 4th hit my wallet...

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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May 4th hit my wallet...

I may have been drawn in by AMG’s May 4th bundle deals and picked up a while bunch of expansions that had been on my wish list!

Fortunately, I have a tournament coming up and a desire to not let things linger in the painting queue so I have been making some progress on my Separatist Reinforcements!

Cad Bane & His Magnificent Hat

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Feared bounty hunter, owner of magnificent hats, the infamous Cad Bane!  Also, the last model to paint of my Separatists, for now at least.

The coat & hat are Beasty Brown base coat, shaded with charred Brown and highlighted with Ice Yellow.

The base colour of the gloves and chaps are leather brown, again highlighted ice yellow.

The satchel and holsters are Vallejo Cold Grey highlighted with Stonewall Grey.

His gauntlets and pistol are Vallejo Gunmetal, nuln oil wash, Plate Mail silver highlights.

Skin is Electric Blue shaded with Ultramarine blue.

The trousers and jacket/shirt are Desert Yellow with another use of Ice Yellow highlights.

Cad Bane & His Magnificent Hat
Cad Bane & His Magnificent Hat
Cad Bane & His Magnificent Hat
Cad Bane & His Magnificent Hat

Super-Duper Battle Droids!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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The last squad in my Separatist pile (for now anyway) are the B2 Super Battle Droids.  I decided to keep them factory fresh and clean looking so it is a very simple paint job.

I think they will look good escorting Dooku or Grievous into melee, probably absorbing some fire on the way.

Super-Duper Battle Droids!
Super-Duper Battle Droids!

Not a detailed report, but a battle!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Using very little effort, I talked my brother into playing a game!  The terain is his, making use of some Carnevale and not-Star Wars kits from TTCombat plus some 3d printing.  Looked pretty good I thought!

He brought a Rebel list of things you might find pre-Battle of Yavin while I brought my Droids which I guess would be a remnant of the Separatists led by Maul and a rebuilt Greivous United in their hatred of Kenobi.  Or something like that. 😉

I started the game by over estimating the survivability of Droidekas in wheel mode, so lost them on turn 1!

I pulled it back with Maul wiping out a squad of Rebel troopers on turn 2 in a single attack.

We traded successes and failures over the next couple of rounds but the force was strong with my dice (which never seems to happen if I’m playing in any sort of tournament) and I pulled ahead with Maul securing one flank and Greivous on the other.

We ended on round 5 with Maul slaying Leia, presumably to get one over on Kenobi by killing one of his precious charges.

Strong is the dark side.

We had fun even if we were rusty as hell and had to constantly reference stuff.  We didn’t have many games under our belts even before the Pandemic so it was back to basics and relearning everything again.

Droidekas in the open!Droidekas in the open!
Rebel lines.Rebel lines.
Droids advance!Droids advance!
Forward observation of the centre required!Forward observation of the centre required!
Kenobi's charge meets her doom!Kenobi's charge meets her doom!

BX Commandos

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I may have proceastinated a bit on these before deciding how to section them up.  The Clone Wars series had a few colour variations and they are not all particularly tactical, so I went with some colour.  As is my habit.

I am still experimenting with Black Templar contrast on the weapons and here on the abdomens and joints.  I still find that either looks a bit too streaky (like a heavy hanfed wash) if applied thinly, or goes opaque black with little highlighting when applied thicker.  So here I went over with a simple highlight of charcoal grey.

BX Commandos
BX Commandos
BX Commandos
BX Commandos

Too Angry to Die

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Darth Maul! Sadly underused on the big screen, hopefully he will have a better run on my tabletop!

Obviously, that face was difficult. The tattoo detail is sculpted but difficult to follow I found. I would have liked the lines a bit thinner but it will do.

He was however another chance to play with OSL do that was fun.  For the robe I used Shadow Grey to highlight and Charcoal Grey base coat, then pure black onto the deeper folds.  Gloves and boots the highlight was Cold Grey.

The probe droids are magnetised on the flight stands to make transport a little easier.

Too Angry to Die
Too Angry to Die
Too Angry to Die
This happened while rebasing, but fortunately was easily repaired. Not sure why but that foot was stuck hard!This happened while rebasing, but fortunately was easily repaired. Not sure why but that foot was stuck hard!
Too Angry to Die

I have been poorly trained in your Jedi arts!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
No Comments

He came, he looked intimidating, ran off, talked a good fight, got killed up.  Perhaps he will fair better on the tabletop? What if I field him twice?

My pair of Greivouseses join the completed forces. One advantage of buying two core sets is that I got to build two versions of Greivous and play with some more OSL effects.

I have been poorly trained in your Jedi arts!

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