A titanic spring clean
Sorting out the Knights
I decided I didnt like the light blue knights and I couldnt remember which house I was painting them as so I thought I would redo them as House Morbidia.
So I repainted the armour with model air chrome (my favourite silver paint at the moment) and then I did a test with blood angels red on the right shoulder and candy red on the other (third image the knight with just the shoulders painted). The candy red is odd stuff, it took two coats with brush to get the solid cover I wanted but the quite often the second coat would reactivate the first meaning coverage could be patchy even after I let it dry for 24 hours.
Are you applying the colours using brush or airbrush? I think the candy colours are meant to show the base underneath so you get the candy sheen from one coat. I think.
I was applying it with a brush, I was just surprised that the second coat seem to reactive the first. I’ve not come across an acrylic paint before that did that.
I probably should have left it at one coat or tried to find a deeper red that I liked more, I do have a vallejo premium metallic red somewhere maybe that would have been better.