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A titanic spring clean

A titanic spring clean

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Project Blog by hairybrains Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 252

About the Project

I've had this since the grand master set first came out and I painted the warlords and started the knights from the box. I then got a couple of reavers and warhounds all of which were magnetised, assembled and primed and left. I thought this was a chance to get these ready.

This Project is Completed

Taking stock

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 12
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I thought I would make a start by listing the things to get done for this project:

  • Finish the assembled knights
  • Repair the reaver with the broken leg
  • Paint the reavers and warhounds
  • Base everything
  • Assemble the knights at the back which are still in the box
  • Check the loft for other kits which are lurking up there (if there is time and I still have the will)


Sorting out the Knights

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11

I decided I didnt like the light blue knights and I couldnt remember which house I was painting them as so I thought I would redo them as House Morbidia.

So I repainted the armour with model air chrome (my favourite silver paint at the moment) and then I did a test with blood angels red on the right shoulder and candy red on the other (third image the knight with just the shoulders painted). The candy red is odd stuff, it took two coats with brush to get the solid cover I wanted but the quite often the second coat would reactivate the first meaning coverage could be patchy even after I let it dry for 24 hours.

Knights are done (sort of)

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 10
1 Comment
Knights are done (sort of)
Knights are done (sort of)

So the knights are done, the House Morbidia knights (the red ones) have had the gloss black trim painted in and the other House Terryn knights (my big 40k knights are painted in the same scheme, so technically not a heresy house) have had the gold trim tided up and the only thing left is the basing and transfers.

I am going to try and do the basing for all the titans and knights at the same time which is where the stumbling block comes in as I cant seem to find one of the bases for the warhounds. Its on order so I’ll get back to the bases later.

In the meantime on to the titans.

Titans are a go

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Work has started on the warhounds and reavers, these are painted in the colour schemes from Legio Gryphonicus & Legio Mortis (although I think the armour is too light a blue for them so that may change).

For the Gryphonicus’s I’ve airbrushed on game air sombre grey and then stippled white over it and for Mortis I’ve airbrushed game air Electric Blue over the armour and then painted the red panels with mephiston red but I think I will change that as isnt the same as the warlord so I will have to look for something else.

Titans are a go

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Work has started on the warhounds and reavers, these are painted in the colour schemes from Legio Gryphonicus & Legio Mortis (although I think the armour is too light a blue for them so that may change).

For the Gryphonicus’s I’ve airbrushed on game air sombre grey and then stippled white over it and for Mortis I’ve airbrushed game air Electric Blue over the armour and then painted the red panels with mephiston red but I think I will change that as isnt the same as the warlord so I will have to look for something else.

Titans are done (mostly)

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 5
Titans are done (mostly)
Titans are done (mostly)

The warhounds and reavers are mostly done, I mistakenly did the armour trim and then went over the internal structure with black to cover the over spray, I should have done it the other way round.

Anyway after a fair bit of swearing when i broke the leg on one of the reavers, fortunately it was just the glue so they are all done now, just some work around the eyes and decals to go.

Finding some Buildings

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Thinking that I was near the point where I could get started on some bases, I looked at the contents of the grand master box and realised I was missing some battlefield assets and some buildings.

So I had a trip up to the loft to find them and found the assets but not the buildings but I also found the items in image 3 which I had forgotten about. A further search this morning and I found the buildings but also the items in image 4.

At this rate I am going to still working on this for the next spring challenge.

Knights as far as the eye can see

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Knights as far as the eye can see

Not a lot to show this week, all the knights are built but no paint applied yet, I did however get these battlefield assets done.

Knights as far as the eye can see

Knights are done

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 4
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Knights are done
Knights are done

Now the knights are done, I can move on to the reason for starting this project in the first place the bases.

First basing attempt

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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this is my first attempt at a ruin base, sprayed black and zenithed with standard mechanicas grey from rattle cans, and using the greys shown with an airbrush.

I then used pigment powder, my first time with these, but unfortunately it looks the Titan looks like he’s been wading in grey mud. Fortunately I have glossed the legs so I could wash it off and try again

Second try

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 4
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My second try a the basing went better, this time same as before spray black and zenith with standard mechanicus grey. I then dry brushed on the greys from before and up the legs of the titans.

This led to the leg of the titans looking to light so I put a agrax earthshade over them to make them look a bit dirtier. I’m happier with this result than the last one.

Nearly finished the bases

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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I was hoping that the bases would be finished today but I obviously need to learn to count. I made all the bases for the knights and the titans using the same methods as before with the texture coming from Extra course pumice gel and some vallejo earth texture.

I have also used some blue stuff to make moulds of the container and oil drums from the mechanicus terrain set and incorporated a few of these into the bases.

As you can see from the last picture 3 of the red knights are without bases as I cant count so those are now underway.

Done (sort of)

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So this project is done (at least for now), the terrain I had already assembled is painted and got some new terrain from Troublemaker Games for the big church and the ruins.

The terrain is painted in the same way as the bases and although I do have quite a lot of terrain left to assemble I am running out of steam on this and am going to leave it there.

The titans and knights have had their decals applied and the only thing left for them is some varnish and maybe painting the base rims black, not sure about though.

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