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1/72 Macedonian and Carthaginian Armies

1/72 Macedonian and Carthaginian Armies

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Companion Cavalry

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12

Next I painted all of the cloth that sits on the horses back (I am not sure of the proper name for this) vampire red and highlighted with a mixture of the same colour and lava orange. I also did the same with the capes and plumes of the cavalrymen.

I also painted the hair of the horses with a mixture of gorgons hide and skeleton bone.

I painted any pectoral armour and helmets on the men with weapon bronze and all the leather in desert yellow.

Since the kit did not come with any xystons i created my own by whitling down toothpicks to the appropriate size. I was not very good at this so after an half an hour or so i selected the best sticks and slotted them in the hands. These were far smaller than regular xystons and not of regular lenght so we can say that these people had been given all the xystons that had not been made properly during production.  I did not glue these in because if i want to make improved versions in the future I want to be able to swap them out. I painted these to look like sticks and then Painted spear heads on each end. One of them was far to short and became a sword.

I painted a few more details but some are too small for me to see while painting, let alone while playing. I might come back to fix these later but for now they are done. I also have not based these as I want to do that for the whole army at the end.

Companion Cavalry
Companion Cavalry
Companion Cavalry

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Cult of Games Member

I painted up two large armies of Imperial Romans and Ancient Britons/Celts and I can tell you it’s no easy task. The plastic often burrs when you try to clean them, it’s hard to get the release agents off and sometimes the plastic is not very suitable to paint. I recommend priming them with a spray can. Also, styles and sizes differ from brand to brand (sometimes within the same brand!), so it is not always easy mix and matching. I recommend the Plastic Soldier Review site for reference. In the end, if you can keep at it, it is… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Well nice to see this project. Have always loved 1/72 figures ever since I got my first Airfix figures many years ago

Keep up the good work. One day I’ll finish my Persian army

If I may ask a question Are you washing and then priming the figures? It makes life a lot easier

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