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Revisiting my hobby starting place

Revisiting my hobby starting place

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The conclusion

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

After the finishing, I think the final result is ok, but I really don’t think it’s my best work. I am still not happy with my freehand tree on the shield.

However it certainly is a marked difference from where I was 32 years ago.

It certainly has been a fun little project

Anyway I will leave some final comparison pictures and let you see the difference.

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Cult of Games Member

These Tom Meier and Julie Gurthie models are some of the most cherished minis I have. It’s nice to see someone doing something with them. I just can’t get myself to open them from their blisters.

Cult of Games Member

Tom Meier and Julie Guthrie are still two of my favourite sculptors

Nice work Rob

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