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A Mutant Rabble

A Mutant Rabble

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Painting process

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Just a break down of the painting process that I’m going to use for these guys. One thing I notice with the resin parts is just how much rougher they are in comparison to the original plastic parts. Only notice it with these close up photos so doesn’t really matter. Also notice how rough the areas are where I’ve cut the bits away that I wanted to remove, even with some filling and sanding it shows up in the photos.

Basing is done with XV-88 then dry brushed with Tallarn Sand. Onto that goes a covering of weathering powders, which mostly nullifies the previous step…

Might paint each mini in turn like this, reason being it’s quite rewarding to get to a finished mini quicker rather than batch painting all 20 in one go.

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