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Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

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1st Squad primed and ready for paint

Tutoring 14
Skill 12
Idea 14
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Yesterday I managed to finish cleaning up 1st Squad for my 500 points. The mould lines vary between different sculpts and even different years of production it seems. Overall they are not too bad the only place that is difficult to clean up is bandage-like gaiters. Smoothing out this area and cutting back in the gaps between the wraps is a real time sink.

After that, I have done a base layer of Grey Seer primer, followed by a Wraithbone zenithal.

The minis themselves as I mentioned in my previous post are the Engineer ones. They have some lovely backpacks with plenty of details. I have saved the demolition ones for use on my Engineers Units but have kept a single demo pairing for each Squad. I also wanted to have the Squad Sgt to be easily identified and so have used one of the miniatures from the Command Squad as my Sergeant which has a lovely breastplate instead of the overlapping plate armour.

Next, I guess it’s time to get some paint on these guys.

Demo team, left hand has the charges the right hand the initiatorDemo team, left hand has the charges the right hand the initiator
Sergeant, easily recognisable due to the breastplateSergeant, easily recognisable due to the breastplate

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