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Easter Alien Eggstravaganza

Easter Alien Eggstravaganza

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Game over man. Game over!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I wanted to get these painted up quick but wasnt sure how I was going to do them so started with the one I was least happy with the sculpting to do a test piece.

If you look up images on Xeno eggs you get all sorts of different colours. I think the original was actually browns and fleshy tones but you often see them as almost black or translucent greens. Presumably because of the lighting used on set.

I decided to try the fleshy look so started with a base spray of AP Leather Brown and then dusted it in blotches with Fur Brown. Then I got some Barbarian flesh through the airbrush to the highlights and some random patches.

Game over man. Game over!

It wasnt quite pinky enough so I added some red to the flesh mix already in the brush and went again.

I also gave it a dusting of grey Dirty Down just to darken it a little and because I’ve been dying to use it.

Game over man. Game over!

Finally I gave the whole thing some AP strong dip to add shading and give it a glossy slimy look

Game over man. Game over!

At this point I think its *ok*. I think the base techniques were fine but for the rest of them I might try adding some more colours in the airbrush. Maybe some of those blacks and greens

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