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Easter Alien Eggstravaganza

Easter Alien Eggstravaganza

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They mostly come at night. Mostly

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

So work are having an Easter egg decorating competition and it gave me some inspiration for new wee project! Initially I thought I’d do some sort of fantasy characters but then realised my freehand sucks! Looking on the interwebs for inspiration I then though maybe some sort of dragon eggs – should be simple enough to do. But then it hit – what could be worse than a global pandemic – that’s right an Alien infestation!

All very innocent looking!All very innocent looking!

I decided to wrap the eggs in DAS clay to give them some texture and then add some green stuff for the details

DAS ist gutDAS ist gut
Bit of green stuffBit of green stuff

I thought this looked *all right* but could do better – also wanted one where the egg was starting to open. I wasn’t happy with the way the green stuff worked out so for the next attempts I would use all clay.

Don't get too closeDon't get too close

At this stage I’m starting to get the feel for working the clay and actually really enjoying it – so I boiled up another 3 eggs and set to work.

They mostly come at night. Mostly
They mostly come at night. Mostly

Very happy with the results. Now to let them dry overnight and get ready for painting!

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Cult of Games Member

Probably the most original Easter egg take I have ever seen!

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