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672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

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Voss Pattern Lightning - Kit-bashed Pilot

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I like to customise my models and so for the Voss Pattern Lightning I’ve decided to ditch the current pilot (looks like an Elysian) and I’m going to hack apart a Necromunda FW Hired Gun to reposition from standing to sitting. This means out with the liquid green stuff again and the two-part green stuff putty to recreate the bits I have to remove to enable the repositioning. Sculpting tool at the ready.

I needed to chop the Hired Gun at the knees and waist, but also needed to remove her buttocks to reposition the legs and resculpt with green stuff. I’m not too worried about the cosmetics as she will be part hidden from the waist downwards once installed in the cockpit. The right arm is in a similar position to the original pilot while the left arm will have the dagger removed and will also be added and glued in place using tweezers once the pilot is installed (just like the instructions if using the original pilot).

The new pilot has been repositioned and fixed into the original seat which will be fitted into the cockpit along with the control panel and the Hired Gun’s left arm once the green stuff has fully dried over night. The new pilot has been repositioned and fixed into the original seat which will be fitted into the cockpit along with the control panel and the Hired Gun’s left arm once the green stuff has fully dried over night.

Next up will be to install the pilot into the cockpit and prepare for painting.

Time taken:

Construction of new, kit-bashed pilot including resculpting legs 1 Hour

Drying time for green stuff putty 24 Hours

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