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WIP it

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Project Blog by mischief

Recommendations: 372

About the Project

I really need to start finishing stuff, my Work in Progress table isn't full, and I never want it to be full. In fact I want to empty it. On it at the moment is; 40k, the Repulsor, might never get get used, it's stupidly expensive, but I want it painted. Also the Ravenwing Command figures, and a couple of Watchers for my Deathwing. Victory at Sea, I have more Destroyers, some Submarines, and MTBs. Blood Red Skies, I have three Bombers, so I'll finally be able to do scenarios other than dog fighting. Infinity, and even Dust Warfare,

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Starting off with the Daiyokai.Starting off with the Daiyokai.

Okay, so while I wait for the paint for the Repulsor, Infinity seems to be picking up again at Club, and hey I’ve only done a couple of the figures from the Uprising stuff that came out years ago, and so time to get more done. This was the worst miniature to assemble, it took me at least three goes, and even now it’s not quite right, but I no longer care. Daiyokai actually got primed last weekend, but I can really only get any painting done every second weekend. Today after finishing off the Transports for my Armoured Infantry platoon(Dust Warfare), and basing a couple of figures, which I didn’t include in this. Of course I primed black like normal, with the intention of zenithal highlighting, and the grey went down so nicely, silly me neglected to take a photo of that, and the the white…
I can’t be the only one who hates White.

Daiyokai Finish

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Contrast paints make this so easy, I’m not good at painting, and I should have done more layers with highlights and such, but I’m also lazy. I did notice while painting him that he’s missing his scabbards, but with how bad I am at this game, he won’t have a chance to put those swords away.

Blenheim mkIV's primed.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I spent most the day de-motivated, doing nothing. but after giving up on cleaning the E-Scooter, I found some motivation. The easy thing to do next would be the Bombers; firstly I pulled them apart, the kit says it doesn’t need glue, but it’s a good idea to any way. I’ve used the grey primer, I do prefer to use grey on my historical vehicles. I won’t get more done, as even though these are plastic, I’ll still leave them to cure for a day, but I should be able to look into camouflage colours through the week. I’ve made it easy for myself be getting the 105sq decals from miscmini.

Next weekend is a long weekend for Easter, but it’s made extra long thanks to my CS MedOnc Review on the Thursday. So I should get them done over that.

Blenheim MKIV by Zvezda for Blood Red SkiesBlenheim MKIV by Zvezda for Blood Red Skies

Saladin Armoured Car for Dust Warfare

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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To go along with my Saracens, I have some Saladins. These are armed with the Phaser weapons, I think 180W, because of course I play Allies. because the cast wasn’t great, and the 3d printed power generator for the phaser on the side of the turret was especially bad, I decided to do the rust effects thing. A shame I did that so long ago, and none of it was included in this, but coming back to it, from the green base coat after all the reds were complete is where we started.
From there I did the shading. I used Vallejo’s BlackGreen Model Air colour for this.


Then I did a highlight layer using Vallejo’s highligh colour #252, which is super subtle in the photo.

1st highlight1st highlight

Then I did the final highlight with #225

Saladin Armoured Car for Dust Warfare

Next I did the tires in black, and the phaser in gloss black

Saladin Armoured Car for Dust Warfare

And then finally, jet exhaust over the gloss black. Now it’s ready for a scrub to wear away some of the paint, but it’s dinner time, so it’s a job for tomorrow.

Saladin Armoured Car for Dust Warfare

Saladin part the 2nd

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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A new day, I gave her a scrub with a nylon brush, which didn’t work, so I switched to a wire brush.

It's the weekend again, today was mainly priming.

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I started by assembling the Ryuken Unit9 figures for my Infinity army(JSA), with the intention of getting them primed when I started priming more of the WIP stuff. I did start the priming with the Infinity stuff.

Infinity primed.Infinity primed.

Then I got the Victory at Sea done, but also the V1 for Blood Red Skies.

Victory at Sea Primed.Victory at Sea Primed.

Blenheim Mk IV’s are complete.

Blood Red Skies.Blood Red Skies.

Sunday hobby

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Infinity stuff gets zenithal highlighted, yes I still hate how grey sprays, white too.


The Royal Navy was base coloured Dark Grey, except the S-Class Submarines, which were done in Medium Grey, which I also used for the camo colour for the boats, and ships.

Now I’m not good enough with the airbrush to trust doing the sea with it, so that will be hairy stick action.

Royal NavyRoyal Navy

End of Sunday.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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It took all day, but I got these guys done. I can’t base them until the laser cutter gets in some clear blue acrylic, so he can cut me some bases. So yea, this is as done as I can get them. Of course there are still the varnish layers, but that’s as far as I can go.

End of Sunday.

Adding models, not finishing models.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’m adding the Treason TAG, and alt pilot to the project, they’ve been at this level since the week after Uprising came out.

Treason TAGTreason TAG

Victory at Sea

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Getting back to the Victory at Sea stuff, what with my receiving Ark Royal, and the Royal Navy Planes.

I started by doing the base a dark Purple

Purple base.Purple base.

A drybrush.

Simple dry brush.Simple dry brush.

A Blue wash.

Blue wash.Blue wash.

Another drybrush.

More dry brushingMore dry brushing

The gloss coat.

Gloss varnish.Gloss varnish.

Watchers in the Dark part the end

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Finished the Watchers.Finished the Watchers.

Watchers in the Dark

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Zenithal Highlighting.Zenithal Highlighting.
First Green layer.First Green layer.

Middle-Earth, done and dusted.

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Celeborn and Haldir were added, and finished last weekend, and even placed in the cabinet with the rest of my Lothlorien force.

They had both been primed grey, for ages now, but knowing they both have a goodly amount of armour, I figured they probably should have been primed gloss black. So I roughly went over the armour in the gloss black. Metallics always work best over black, especially gloss. After the black I did the classic vallejo model air metallic steel 71.065, but hated it. So back to black I went, I dug out the ancient citadel chainmail, and dry-brushed it on, then a much lighter dry-brush of mithril silver, the rest was just paint by numbers following the closest colours I could find to the rest of the army. When it came to basing, I found that I had no more of the super old GW static grass, so I have to use grass tufts that were as close to the same colour, which is super annoying. I’m probably going to have to go through and add tufts to the rest of the army…

Treason TAG done

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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It’s been waiting for so long to be finished, and all I’m waiting for now is the bases to turn up, probably next week.

First up, the TAG needs some highlights

It also needs Perimter weapons

Everything is ready, waiting for the bases to arrive.

Treason TAGTreason TAG

Treason TAG actually done

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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The bases get base coated in silver.


I do a protective layer of a primer, just to protect the silver.
It is on the bottom of the base, and has a lot of contact with terrain and such.
After the primer cures, I even hit it with a gloss varnish, and matte coat too.


Everyone gets glued down.

Treason TAGTreason TAG

Black Knight Command

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I was going to paint these guys next, I’m still waiting for the paint to do the Repulsor, but two of them had the wrong shoulder pads.

That’s the problem with buying 2nd hand models. I don’t regret buying them, they were so cheap, like almost half the price of one box, for nine.
Three with hammers, three with pistols, and the three command figures.
It was a mission getting those old pads off, but one of my club mates had left overs. I’ll get them off him on the weekend at club.

Getting repairedGetting repaired

Bolt Action Objective Markers

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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These were given out at a Charity Event that used to happen here called ANZAC CUP, the Bolt Action part of the event failed hard, with only three of us signing up. I did try to get more to join, but none of my mates liked the TO. So two Australian Armoured lads and I plus the TO just played some games over the weekend. These started off Red, but that’s a horrible base colour to try and paint over, so I’ve gone back to a far more neutral Grey.

Grey casualty markersGrey casualty markers

Black Knight Command ready

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Thanks to a club mate, I have new shoulder pads for the Ravenwing Black Knights command models. The Champion is okay, Whoever assembled him did an adequate job, the Ancient, and Apothecary on the other hand, wtf. I’m glad they were cheap. Getting the old ones off was a nightmare, but that’s all over now. The plan is to get the three painted this weekend.


RavenWing Command Squadron

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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It was my painting weekend, and so in addition to all the drinking(It turned out to be a rather social weekend) I got a lot of work done to these.

The airbrush made the black stuff Black again, but also the other coloured stuff grey.The airbrush made the black stuff Black again, but also the other coloured stuff grey.
Extra grey done, made a mess of the black...Extra grey done, made a mess of the black...
Base colours for the metallics, back to black for the silver, and brown for gold.Base colours for the metallics, back to black for the silver, and brown for gold.
Silver, and gold done, also some work done on the banner.Silver, and gold done, also some work done on the banner.
Plasma, lights, also eye lenses.Plasma, lights, also eye lenses.
 also a lot more work done on the banner. also a lot more work done on the banner.

Next weekend I can add decals, do their bases, varnish, and matte coat.

RavenWing Command Squadron

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Numbers addedNumbers added
I added a campaign badge to the shield.I added a campaign badge to the shield.

I also changed from yellow headlights, to white.
Tomorrow I just have to do their bases, then stick them on, one more coat of varnish, and then a few layers of matte.

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